Teacher Certification
All teaching certificates in KY are issued by the Education Professional Standards Board. To apply for a certificate, renew or add additional content area, please use the guides below to help you in completing these forms online using the link below:
Education Professional Standards Board Division of Certification
Interested in Teaching?
If you are interested in teaching in the Commonwealth of Kentucky and do not currently hold a Kentucky Teaching Certificate, you must complete the CA-1 form from the Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board.
Currently Teaching?
If you have completed a Master's program you must complete the CA-1 form. A new teaching certificate must be sumbitted to Ellie Egner in HR. After the certificate has been recieved your pay will be adjusted accordingly.
Teachers are expected to check their certificate expiration data and take the required action if their certificate is expiring soon. Immediately upon receipt of the new certificate, you should send one copy to HR to be placed in your personnel file. Contact the Human Resources department for further help/information.
Certificate Expiring Soon?
- If you have a Master’s degree and just need to renew, complete a CA-2 form.
- If you have a Bachelor’s degree and are renewing for the first time and do not have your Master’s yet, complete a CA-2 form.
- If you are a CTE teacher, please email Ellie Egner to determine which certificate you will need for renewal.
- If you are pursuing alternative certification (Option 6 Temporary Provisional), Contact Ellie Egner to begin your certification application.
Note: EPSB is no longer printing and mailing certificates. Instead, you will receive an email that it is ready. You will login to your EPSB account and download the pdf certificate and forward this to Ellie Egner in HR.
If you need more information, please feel free to contact the HR department (270) 538-4222.