Each month of the school year, MCEA recognizes a member as the teacher spotlight for the month. The recognition takes place at each board meeting during the regularly scheduled meetings.


a. To represent its members in their relations with their employer.

b. To develop and promote the professional interests and concerns of the members.

c. To promote professional attitudes and ethical conduct among teachers.

d. To work for the welfare of school children, the advancement of education, and the improvement of instructional opportunities for all.

e. To encourage teachers to exercise their rights and privileges as citizens and to provide leadership in civil affairs.

f. To hold property and funds for the attainment of association purposes.

  • President: Chad Davidson (LOES)

  • President-Elect: Trey Carvell (LOMS)

  • Vice President: Samantha Heath (MCHS)

  • Immediate Past President: Crystal Culp (MRJDC)

  • Secretary: Jessica Richards (LOI)

  • Treasurer: Sarah Brooks (MCHS)

Delegates At Large:

  • Jill Vessels (HMS)

  • Angie Tabor (RIS)

  • Amy Scott (LOMS)

Sick Bank: 

  • McClane Crane (HES)

  • Jessica Richards (LOI)

  • Amy Scott (LOMS)

Building Reps:

  • HES - Rachel Dodson, Sara Stephens

  • HMS - Jill Vessels

  • CES - Lisa Jones

  • LOES - Chad Davidson

  • HLOES - Debra Talbert, Allyson Scheer

  • LOI - Jessica Richards, Candice Newbern, Jamie Riffe, Chelsea Wiggins

  • LOMS - Trey Carvell, Amy Scott, Jessie Madding, Michelle Martin

  • RES - Sarah Thompson

  • RIS - Jessica Campbell, Angie Tabor

  • RMS - Shawn Barber, Levi Sanders

  • MCHS - Samantha Heath, Lexie Brinley, Sarah Brooks, Drake Williams, Susan Helmich

  • MRJDC, Open Campus, and Alternative Programs: Crystal Culp, Kathy Rushing

Active membership in the Association shall be available to all professional personnel certified as members of the Association bargaining unit employed by or on limited leave for the McCracken County School District who has a legal teaching certificate.

Active membership shall be continuous until the member leaves the school system, for a period of at least two months, resigns from the Association, or failed to pay membership dues.

The Board of Directors shall have the authority to ensure, suspend, or expel members for violations of Article II, Section 4. Charged members shall have the right to a due process hearing by the Board of Directors and the right to appeal to the general membership, which shall also afford a due process hearing.

MEMBERSHIP YEAR: The membership year shall be September 1 to August 31.


a.  Active members shall adhere to “Code of ethics of the Education Profession.”

b.  Active members shall support the stated purposes and objectives of the Association.

c.  Active members shall hold appropriate memberships in the Kentucky Education Association and the National Education Association. 


MCEA Constitution

Download this file for the latest revision of the MCEA Constitution and By-laws.

Useful Links for Educators

Kentucky Education Association

This website features information pertinent to educators across the state of Kentucky.

Kentucky Teachers Retirement

This website is a direct link to retirement questions for educators in Kentucky.

National Education Association

Click on the link above to connect to the NEA website where you will find issues, actions, tools, ideas, grant information, and events that support public education across the United States.

National Education Association Member Benefits

This website links educators who are KEA members to great discounts on travel, airfare, hotels, and luxurious vacations.

Kentucky Legislative Research Commission

This link will take you directly to the Kentucky Legislative webpage to view upcoming bills, contact your legislator, and to receive information on Kentucky government action.