McCracken County Schools Superintendent Josh Hunt announced today the appointment of Tim Bundren as interim principal at Lone Oak Intermediate School (LOI). Mr. Bundren replaces Marc Mavigliano, who was named Community Schools Director earlier this week. "I am incredibly humbled, grateful, and honored to enter this new role. I’ve genuinely grown to love my LOI staff, family, students, and community over the last five years. I’m also very grateful for the mentorship from Mr. Mavigliano and how he has shown me and the LOI community grit, growth, and grace every day,” said Bundren. “I learned from the best! “Thank you to Mr. Hunt and the district leadership team for entrusting me with this fantastic opportunity to help equip our students to learn, grow, and change the world. Go Flash! Go McCracken!" Bundren started his career in education with the Marshall County School District in 2008. He was a teacher at North Marshall Middle School from 2008-2018. In 2018, he became the Assistant Principal at Lone Oak Intermediate. Bundren has a bachelor's degree in physical education and a master's degree in school administration from Murray State University. #McCrackenProud
over 1 year ago, Jayme Jones
Tim Burden
Rubber Ducks invaded Hendron-Lone Oak Elementary School on Friday, November 17. They flew through the hallways demanding students go to school on Saturdays, as well as their normal 5-day school week. The prank was brought by the McCracken County High School Studio Directing classes, which bring you Mustang TV News and the daily announcement show. The 14 high school students taught 12 students from HLOE's Leadership class several components of journalism and creating broadcast news. The students worked with video cameras to get video of the ducks, they worked with each other to interview not only their fellow students but also the duck whisperer, while writing scripts and reading the teleprompter to let everyone at the school know what was going on. With public opinion not on their side, the ducks left before lunch. The trip was organized by MCHS Senior Atleigh Stanley and several other members of the class after joking about how they must write their broadcast scripts at a 3rd-grade level (industry standard) so they should find several 3rd-graders to read them. Atleigh then contacted HLOE Assistant Principal Tammy Wilson who coordinated the trip at the elementary school. The Studio Directing teacher is Kristy Griffith. #McCrackenProud
over 1 year ago, Jayme Jones
MCHS Media Students
MCHS Media Students
MCHS Media Students
MCHS Media Students
MCHS Media Students
MCHS Media Students
Marc Mavigliano has been named the district’s Community Schools Director, a new position based on a four-year grant from the Prichard Committee totaling $1.5 million. The Prichard Committee received a $47 million grant from the United States Department of Education, with $30 million of the grant going directly into the Kentucky education system through the implementation of full-service community schools, known as the Kentucky Community School Initiative. Read more:
over 1 year ago, Jayme Jones
Marc M
November Board of Education Student Recognitions- Sophie Hollowell- Region 1 Golf Individual Champion Mustangs Men's Golf Team- Region 1 Champions, 1st place Sub-State Mustangs Women's Soccer Team- Region 1 Champions Mustangs Men's Soccer Team- Region 1 Champions, State Final Four #McCrackenProud
over 1 year ago, McCracken County Schools
Sophie Hollowell
MCHS Golf Team
MCHS Women's Soccer Team
MCHS Soccer Team
Reidland Elementary School (RES) receives Family Friendly School certification- RES is one of the first three GOLD-rated Family Friendly Schools in the state! #McCrackenProud Read more:
over 1 year ago, McCracken County Schools
Have a wonderful break! Happy Thanksgiving! #McCrackenProud
over 1 year ago, McCracken County Schools
Happy Thanksgiving
Matthew Beerwart, a sixth-grade student at Lone Oak Middle School, recently received the Kentucky Council for Exceptional Children Yes I Can! Academic Award. Matthew was nominated by his fifth-grade teacher, Sara Leonard, for the award. Mrs. Leonard stated, "Matthew is a phenomenal young man. He is full of life and energy and brings everyone around him joy. We are all proud of Matthew and can't wait to see what he accomplishes in life." The Yes I Can! Awards Program celebrates students with special needs who have made significant gains and accomplishments in various categories.
over 1 year ago, McCracken County Schools
Third-grade students at Reidland Elementary read "Balloons over Broadway," and then designed and created their own parade balloons. They held a parade through the school in celebration of Thanksgiving. #McCrackenProud
over 1 year ago, Jayme Jones
RES Parade
RES Parade
RES Parade
RES Parade
RES Parade
RES Parade
RES Parade
RES Parade
RES Parade
Today Superintendent Josh Hunt read Stone Soup to 3rd grade students at Hendron-Lone Oak Elementary. #McCrackenProud
over 1 year ago, Jayme Jones
stone soup
stone soup
stone soup
stone soup
Matt Thompson Has Been Appointed Interim Director Of Transportation. Read more:
over 1 year ago, Jayme Jones
Matt Thompson
It's almost Thanksgiving break!
over 1 year ago, Jayme Jones
Thanksgiving break
McCracken County Schools were well represented at the annual KMEA First District Honor Choir at Murray State University on Thursday. Out of the 376 students selected from grades 5-8, 126 were from the McCracken County School District. Schools represented include Concord Elementary, Heath Middle, Lone Oak Intermediate, Lone Oak Middle, Reidland Intermediate, and Reidland Middle. #McCrackenProud
over 1 year ago, Jayme Jones
KMEA All District Choir
Congratulations to McCracken County High School juniors Ella Chuppe, Gage Clark, Daniel Crouse, Addison Dover, Elizabeth Gilbert, Elizabeth Gregory, Addison Hart, Owen Hibbs, Sophie Hollowell, Isabelle Jeffords, Matthew King, Callie Madison, Pratha Patel, Mariane Puertollano, Andrew Ragan, Briley Smith, Conner Stevens, Carson Wallace, and Waverly Watson who have been selected to participate in the 2023-2024 Paducah Area Chamber of Commerce Youth LEAD Class #13. The Youth LEAD program is designed to develop and prepare students for future community support and leadership roles in Paducah/McCracken County. Youth LEAD targets high school juniors in Paducah and McCracken County public, private, and home‐school systems. The selected students spend one day each month for six months learning about human needs and service, communication and career development, business and economy, law and government, and healthcare in Paducah and McCracken County. The selection process includes consideration of leadership potential/skills, school activities, community and diversity among schools, ethnicity and gender. The selections are made by an 8-member committee comprised of representatives from the Paducah Chamber Board and the Leadership Paducah Alumni Association Board. Thirty-five area youth have been chosen to participate in Class #13. #McCrackenProud
over 1 year ago, Jayme Jones
Youth Lead
The McCracken County Community Career Endowment, Inc. (MCCCE) announced that McCracken County High School junior, Mason Edwards as a Class XIV participant in the 2023 PaxtonScholars Program. #McCrackenProud
over 1 year ago, Jayme Jones
Mason Edwards
Mustang Team Shop Open Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Extended Hours- November 20 & 28 from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
over 1 year ago, Jayme Jones
Team Shop Hours
Mr. Matthew Houser, MCHS principal, has been appointed to the National FCCLA Board of Directors as the secondary school administrator representative. It is a 3-year appointment. He will play a key role in setting policy and driving the direction of the Career and Technical Student Organization. McCracken County FCCLA is extremely honored to have their administrator serve this important position. #McCrackenProud
over 1 year ago, Jayme Jones
Matt Houser
This week, 4th-grade students at Reidland Intermediate School dissected owl pellets as part of the 4th-grade science curriculum. An owl pellet is the undigested part of an owl's food that it regurgitates. The pellet can include bones, fur, feathers, bills, claws, and teeth. #McCrackenProud
over 1 year ago, Jayme Jones
RIS Students
RIS Students
RIS Students
RIS Students
RIS Students
RIS Students
RIS Students
RIS Students
RIS Students
Congrats Natalie! #McCrackenProud
over 1 year ago, Jayme Jones
Natalie Cryts
Congrats Meg! #McCrackenProud
over 1 year ago, Jayme Jones
Meg Kitchen
MCHS Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America Presents: Be Our Guest: FCCLA Family Fairytale Ball Who: Birth-Elementary age students and families When: Thursday, November 30th from 5:30PM-7:00PM Where: MCHS Baptist Health Cafeteria Costume party with light refreshments and activities… With Special Appearances by our Disney Characters! Register and pay online or mail your form. Registration deadline: Monday, November 27th. Please share with others! Informational Flyer: Registration Link:
over 1 year ago, Jayme Jones
Fairytale Ball