girls wrestling

Over the weekend, the McCracken County Lady Mustang wrestlers made a statement in the first-ever KHSAA-sanctioned Region 1 Girls Championships at Caldwell County. The McCracken County grapplers finished seventh place out of 18 schools competing, with four Lady Mustangs qualifying for the state tournament.

Abby Ellis finished as runner-up in her division. Eelynn Hayden and Lillian Harned finished third in their respective weight classes. At the same time, Lakelynn Janssen rounded out the Mustang qualifiers with a fourth-place finish.

Additionally, the Mustang men finished fifth out of 50 schools competing during the Kentucky Junior Varsity Championships at Moore High School in Louisville on Saturday. McCracken County finished with four place-winners and the program’s first junior varsity state champion.

Camryn Freiberg made history as McCracken County’s first junior varsity state champion. Benjamin Kale finished third, Nash Smallwood in fourth, and Royce Conn in fifth place.