Congratulations to Heath Elementary teacher, Ms. Erin Soltys- February Teacher of the Month.
about 1 year ago, McCracken County Schools
Erin Solyts
"We need a special month for women because it is a way to honor the strength, resilience, and achievements of women throughout history, as well as inspiring future generations. It allows us to give women the recognition and appreciation they deserve for working hard and stepping up in times of need."- Riya Patel
about 1 year ago, McCracken County Schools
Riya Patel
The Blended Learning 1st grade classes at Concord Elementary School have been studying plants this week. Thanks to Florista and Rex Beckham Greenhouse, the students had studios that included dissecting a flower, planting flowers in their pots, vocabulary review, and learning about the life cycle of plants. Students enjoyed a special Dirt Cup with gummy worms snack to finish the exciting unit. #McCrackenProud
about 1 year ago, McCracken County Schools
CES Students
CES Students
CES Students
CES Students
CES Students
CES Students
CES Students
CES Students
CES Students
CES Students
McCracken County High School FFA members attended the Paducah Area Chamber of Commerce Power in Partnership Breakfast this morning. The March breakfast was sponsored by Four Rivers Nuclear Partnership with speaker Kentucky Agriculture Commissioner Jonathan Shell. A fifth-generation farmer, Commissioner Shell, alongside his dad Gary, owns and operates Shell Farms and Greenhouses in Garrard County where they raise cattle and grow flowers, corn, and pumpkins. Before being elected Agriculture Commission, Shell was elected to the Kentucky House of Representatives in 2012, becoming the youngest member of the General Assembly. Before the 2016 election, he was tapped by Republican leadership to spearhead recruitment. It was that year Kentucky elected its first Republican House Majority in nearly 100 years. FFA Members also went to the McCracken County Courthouse to help Commissioner Shell promote the Ag Tag program. When farmers renew their Ag Tags, a $10 donation goes to 4-H and FFA students all over the state. #McCrackenProud
about 1 year ago, McCracken County Schools
FFA Members
FFA Members
FFA Members
FFA Members
FFA Members
FFA Members
FFA Members
This week, we're celebrating National School Social Work Week! McCracken County Schools recognizes and honors the incredible dedication of our school social workers who play a vital role in supporting our students' well-being, academic success, and personal growth. Join us in thanking them! #McCrackenProud
about 1 year ago, McCracken County Schools
Social Work Week
Today, McKynleigh Abraham, a Paducah native who recently starred in “Shucked” on Broadway, came to Lone Oak Middle School to do a masterclass workshop with drama club members. #McCrackenProud
about 1 year ago, McCracken County Schools
drama club at LOMS
drama club at LOMS
drama club at LOMS
drama club at LOMS
drama club at LOMS
Throughout March, celebrate Women’s History Month! Take some time to learn about and reflect upon trailblazing females who helped change the world in a multitude of ways. #McCrackenProud
about 1 year ago, McCracken County Schools
Women's History Month
Help support the Class of 2024! Mark your calendar for upcoming Spirit Nights! #McCrackenProud
about 1 year ago, McCracken County Schools
Class of 2024 Spirit Nights
Teddy the Library Dog from Reidland Elementary visited students at Lone Elementary this morning. RES Librarian, Ms. Brophy read "If You Give A Dog A Donut" and Teddy enjoyed meeting all the LOE students. #McCrackenProud
about 1 year ago, McCracken County Schools
REMINDER- McCracken County Schools will be in session, on Friday, March 15, 2024, to make up a snow day. Also note, that school is NOT in session on Monday, March 18, 2024. 2023-2024 District Calendar-
about 1 year ago, McCracken County Schools
March 15
MCPS Central Office Team reading to Lone Oak Elementary students for Black History Month.
about 1 year ago, McCracken County Schools
Transportation Department Appreciation Lunch! We love our Bus Drivers!
about 1 year ago, McCracken County Schools
bus drivers
bus drivers
bus drivers
bus drivers
Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” I believe that if we educate the black child, we are changing their future world for the better! - Dr. Faith Cahill
about 1 year ago, McCracken County Schools
Faith Cahill
MCHS is more family-friendly now with newly installed changing tables supplied by FCCLA. #McCrackenProud
about 1 year ago, McCracken County Schools
We love our bus drivers and transportation staff. They bring our students to and from school every day safely. They are ambassadors for McCracken County Schools --but they are also leaders and mentors to students. From the garage staff to drivers to the front office staff, it takes an incredible team to transport thousands of children every day. We appreciate their training, professionalism, and care for our most precious cargo. School Bus Driver Appreciation Day is Thursday, February 22. Please take time to reach out and say "thank you" to your bus driver. #McCrackenProud
about 1 year ago, McCracken County Schools
Bus Drivers Thank you!
On Wednesday, African American Leadership students from MCHS read to students at Concord Elementary and Heath Elementary for Black History Month. #McCrackenProud
about 1 year ago, McCracken County Schools
AALC reading
AALC reading
AALC reading
AALC reading
AALC reading
AALC reading
Last week, the fourth grade at Heath Elementary learned how Chef Sara Bradley from Top Chef and Freight House uses multiplying fractions and whole numbers to make recipes for large groups of people. After watching a video of Chef Bradley, students were placed in different “restaurants” with recipes for appetizers, main courses, and desserts. Students had the task of multiplying each ingredient by a whole number to accommodate bigger crowds at their restaurant, just like Chef Bradley does! Students made their shopping list after finding each product so they would know how much of each ingredient they needed! #McCrackenProud
about 1 year ago, McCracken County Schools
HES Students
HES Students
HES Students
HES Students
HES Students
The Paducah McCracken Co NAACP will hold a signup event for the newly reinstated Youth Chapter, on Tuesday, February 20, from 5:30-7 at the WKCTC Emerging Technology Center. Students in grades 6- 12 are welcome to attend and learn more. There will be a DJ and gaming by Retro Gaming Entertainment. The event is free to attend! An extension of the local NAACP Chapter, the Youth Chapter works to provide minority students with advancement opportunities in education and personal life. Students can get involved in their community while learning about history, volunteer efforts, and educational opportunities (and add this experience to their college resume).
about 1 year ago, McCracken County Schools
"Sometimes people look at me differently because I am bi-racial and growing up, I was picked on because of it. As a kid, it was hard to understand. But as I grow and understand that not everyone is going to embrace that part of me, I have learned to embrace being black because it is WHO I am. Regardless of how people treat me, I have learned to put others first. Being black has taught me resilience, strength, and courage to face whatever comes because life is not always fair and not everyone is going to treat you fair. My motto is to rise above it and continue to learn to love like Jesus. Black culture is part of our bigger culture and should be embraced and not feared."- Kyler Toney #McCrackenProud
about 1 year ago, McCracken County Schools
Kyler Toney